

Tempest's console component can be used both within the framework, and as a standalone package. Console commands are discovered automatically by Tempest, and the framework ships with a console application in your project's root. You can call it like so:



 install [--force=false] - Interactively install Tempest in your project
 tail [--project=null] [--server=null] [--debug=null] - Tail multiple logs
 routes - List all registered routes
 serve [host='localhost:8000'] [publicDir='public/'] - Start a PHP development server

// …

And you can create console commands like so:

// app/Package.php

use Tempest\Console\ConsoleCommand;

final readonly class Package
    public function all(): void
        // …

    public function info(string $name): void
        // …

You can read all about how to use the Tempest console and how to create your own console commands in the console docs.