Tempest uses PHPUnit for testing and provides an integration through the Tempest\Framework\Testing\IntegrationTest
test case. This class boots the framework with configuration suitable for testing, and provides access to multiple utilities.
Testing utilities specific to components are documented in their respective chapters. For instance, testing the router is described in the routing documentation.
Running tests
If you created a Tempest application through the recommended installation process, you already have access to tests/IntegrationTestCase
, which your application tests can inherit from.
In this case, you may use the composer phpunit
command to run your test suite.
composer phpunit
Creating new test files
By default, PHPUnit is configured to look for test files that end in *Test.php
in the root tests
directory. You may create a such a file and make it extend IntegrationTestCase
use Tests\IntegrationTestCase; final class HomeControllerTest extends IntegrationTestCase { public function test_index(): void { $this->http ->get('/') ->assertOk(); } }
Changing the location of tests
The phpunit.xml
file contains a <testsuite>
element that configures the directory in which PHPUnit looks for test files. This may be changed to follow any rule of your convenience.
For instance, you may colocate test files and their corresponding class by changing the suffix
attribute in phpunit.xml
to the following:
<testsuites> <testsuite name="Tests"> - <directory suffix="Test.php">./tests</directory> + <directory suffix="Test.php">./app</directory> </testsuite> </testsuites>
Using Pest as a test runner
Pest is a test runner built on top of PHPUnit. It provides a functional way of writing tests similar to JavaScript testing frameworks like Vitest, and features an elegant console reporter.
Pest is framework-agnostic, so you may use it in place of PHPUnit if that is your preference. The installation process consists of removing the dependency on phpunit/phpunit
in favor of pestphp/pest
composer remove phpunit/phpunit composer require pestphp/pest --dev --with-all-dependencies
The next step is to create a tests/Pest.php
file, which will instruct Pest how to run tests. You may read more about this file in the dedicated documentation.
pest() ->extend(Tests\IntegrationTestCase::class) ->in(__DIR__);
You may now run ./vendor/bin/pest
to run your test suite. You might also want to replace the phpunit
script in composer.json
by one that uses Pest.