
Building console commands

Any method tagged with the #[ConsoleCommand] attribute will be automatically discovered and be available within the console application. By default, you don't have to pass in any parameters to the #[ConsoleCommand] attribute, since Tempest will use the class and method names to generate a command name:

// app/Package.php

use Tempest\Console\ConsoleCommand;

final readonly class Package
    public function all(): void {}

    public function info(string $name): void {}

These two methods will be accessible via the package:all and package:info commands:

~ ./tempest

 package:info <name>

Tempest will use method's parameter list to define the command's definition. For example, this parameter list:

// app/Package.php

use Tempest\Console\ConsoleCommand;

final readonly class Package
    public function make(
        string $name,
        string $description = '',
        bool $force = false,
    ): void {}

Will generate this command definition:

~ ./tempest

 package:make <name> [description=''] [--force=false]

For more fine-grained control, the #[ConsoleCommand] attribute takes a couple of optional parameters:

// app/Package.php

use Tempest\Console\ConsoleCommand;

final readonly class Package
        name: 'packages:all',
        description: 'List all packages',
        aliases: ['pa'],
        help: 'Extended help text explaining what this command does.'
    public function all(): void {}

Finally, you can add optional #[ConsoleArgument] attributes to parameters as well:

use Tempest\Console\ConsoleArgument;

public function info(
        description: 'The name of the package',
        help: 'Extended help text for this argument',
        aliases: ['n'],
    string $name,
): void {}