

Testing is a crucial part of any application. Tempest uses PHPUnit as its testing framework. The default project scaffold contains a tests directory with an example test.

Running tests

In order to run tests, you can use the following command

// or
composer phpunit

For more information about PHPUnit please refer to the official documentation.

HTTP testing

The tests folder contains an IntegrationTestCase. Extending this class you helper methods to make integration tests easy. For http tests you can use the $this->http property to make requests. All possible HTTP methods are available.

The following example will test a GET request to /account/profile.

class ProfileControllerTest extends IntegrationTestCase
    public function test_can_render_profile(): void
        $response = $this->http
            ->assertSee('My Profile');

Request body

To send a request body, pass an array as the second parameter to post()

public function test_create_user(): void
    $this->http->post('/users', [
        'name' => 'John Doe',
        'email' => '',
        'password' => 'password',

Testing headers

You can supply request headers as a second parameter to get.

public function test_home(): void
    $this->http->get('/', ['X-Api-key', '123456']);

Testing response headers can be done with the assertHeader method.

public function test_home(): void
        ->assertHasHeader('X-Framework') // assert header exists
        ->assertHeaderContains('Content-Type', 'text/html'); // assert header contains a value