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Tempest comes with a simple wrapper around PSR-6, meaning you can use all PSR-6 compliant cache adapters. Tempest uses Symfony's Cache Component as a default implementation.


Tempest will use file caching by default. You can however configure another adapter via CacheConfig:

// Config/cache.php

use Tempest\Cache\CacheConfig;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;

return new CacheConfig(
    pool: new FilesystemAdapter(
        namespace: '',
        defaultLifetime: 0,
        directory: __DIR__ . '/../../../../.cache',

Note that CacheConfig is used for the default cache. You can create your own caches with different adapters like so:

use Tempest\Cache\Cache;
use Tempest\Cache\IsCache;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter;

final readonly class RedisCache implements Cache
    use IsCache;
    protected function getCachePool(): CacheItemPoolInterface
        return new RedisAdapter(/* … */)

Caching stuff#

In order to cache stuff, you only need to inject the Cache interface (or your custom implementations), and you're ready to go:

final readonly class RssController
    public function __construct(
        private Cache $cache
    ) {}
    public function __invoke(): Response
        $rss = $this->cache->resolve(
            key: 'rss',
            cache: function () {
                return file_get_contents('https://stitcher.io/rss')
            expiresAt: (new DateTimeImmutable())->add(new DateInterval('P1D'))

If you need more fine-grained control, the Cache interface has the following methods:

  • resolve(string $key, Closure $cache, ?DateTimeInterface $expiresAt = null): mixed — to retrieve an item from cache, it'll be cached automatically if it wasn't yet.
  • put(string $key, mixed $value, ?DateTimeInterface $expiresAt = null): CacheItemInterface — to get an item from cache. Note that this method will always return CacheItemInterface, even if there wasn't a hit (thanks PSR-6!). Use $item->isHit() to know whether it's valid or not.
  • get(string $key): mixed — get an item from cache, returns null if there wasn't a hit.
  • remove(string $key): void — removes an item from cache.
  • clear(): void — clears the cache in full.

Clearing caches#

Tempest comes with a cache:clear command built-in which allows you to pick which caches you want to clear:

./tempest cache:clear

Which caches do you want to clear? 
> [ ] Tempest\Cache\GenericCache
> [ ] 

If you want to clear all caches, you can use the --all flag:

./tempest cache:clear --all

Tempest\Cache\GenericCache cleared successfully
 cleared successfully
