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Console components are Tempest's way of providing interactivity via the console. There are a number of built-in components provided, and it's super easy to build your own.

Components also provide an easy-to-use validation API, so that you can validate the user's input.

At the moment, cross-platform support is still a work in progress.

Built-in components#

Tempest has a handful of built-in components for common use cases.

The ask component#

This component is used to get input from the user. It's actually a collection of three separate components, depending on how you configure it.

You can use the ask component to ask textual questions:

$name = $this->console->ask("What's your name?");

You can pass in an array of options, which will make it so that the user must choose one:

$result = $this->console->ask(
    question: 'Pick one:',
    options: ['a', 'b', 'c'],

Finally, you can allow multiple choice options as well:

$result = $this->console->ask(
    question: 'Pick several:',
    options: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    multiple: true,

The confirm component#

The confirm component is used to ask simple yes/no questions:


The default answer will be false, but you can change it to true:

    question: 'continue?',
    default: true,

The password component#

The password component will ask a user to put in a password. The password is shown with * characters, but still available in plain text after submitted.

$password = $this->console->password();

You can configure the component to ask for a password confirmation as well:

$password = $this->console->password(confirm: true);

The progress component#

The progress components shows a progress bar while doing some work:

$result = $this->console->progressBar(
    data: array_fill(0, 10, 'a'),
    handler: function ($i) {

        return $i . $i;

The search component#

The search component shows an interactive search box with selectable results:

$data = ['Brent', 'Paul', 'Aidan', 'Roman'];

$result = $this->console->search(
    function (string $query) use ($data): array {
        if ($query === '') {
            return [];

        return array_filter(
            fn (string $name) => str_contains(

Making your own components#

The docs for this section are still a work in progress, but you can check out the existing components to understand how they work.