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Logging is an essential part of any developer's job. Whether it's for debugging or for production monitoring. Tempest has a powerful set of tools to help you access the relevant information you need.

Debug log

First up are Tempest's debug functions: ld() (log, die), lw() (log, write), and ll() (log, log). These three functions are similar to Symfony's var dumper and Laravel's dd() , although there's an important difference.

You can think of ld() or lw() as Laravel's dd() and dump() variants. In fact, Tempest uses Symfony's var-dumper under the hood, just like Laravel. Furthermore, if you haven't installed Tempest in a project that already includes Laravel, Tempest will also provide dd() and dump() as aliases to ld() and lw() .

The main difference is that Tempest's debug functions will also write to the debug log , which can be tailed with tempest's built-in tail command. This is its default output:

./tempest tail

Project Listening at /Users/brent/Dev/tempest-docs/log/tempest.log
Server No server log configured in LogConfig 
Debug Listening at /Users/brent/Dev/tempest-docs/log/debug.log

Wherever you call ld() or lw() from, the output will also be written to the debug log, and tailed automatically with the ./tempest tail command. On top of that, tail also monitors two other logs:

  • The project log , which contains everything the default logger writes to
  • The server log , which should be manually configured in LogConfig :
// app/Config/log.php

use Tempest\Log\LogConfig;

return new LogConfig(
    serverLogPath: '/path/to/nginx.log'
    // …

If you're only interested in tailing one or more specific logs, you can filter the tail output like so:

./tempest tail --debug

Debug Listening at /Users/brent/Dev/tempest-docs/log/debug.log

Finally, the ll() function will do exactly the same as lw() , but only write to the debug log, and not output anything in the browser or terminal .

Logging channels

On top of debug logging, Tempest includes a monolog implementation which allows you to log to one or more channels. Writing to the logger is as simple as injecting \Tempest\Log\Logger wherever you'd like:

final readonly class Rss
    public function __construct(
        private Console $console,
        private Logger $logger, 
    ) {}
    public function sync()
        $this->logger->info('Starting RSS sync');
        // …

If you're familiar with monolog , you know how it supports multiple handlers to handle a log message. Tempest adds a small layer on top of these handlers called channels, they can be configured within LogConfig :

// app/Config/log.php

use Tempest\Log\LogConfig;
use Tempest\Log\Channels\AppendLogChannel;

return new LogConfig(
    channels: [
        new AppendLogChannel(path: __DIR__ . '/../log/project.log'),

Please note:

  • Currently, Tempest only supports the AppendLogChannel and DailyLogChannel , but we're adding more channels in the future. You can always add your own channels by implementing \Tempest\Log\LogChannel .
  • Also, it's currently not possible to configure environment-specific logging channels, this we'll also support in the future. Again, you're free to make your own channels that take the current environment into account.